Tuesday, June 19, 2007

More Surveys

Oops, here's a few I forgot to mention.

Lightspeed Panal www.lightspeed.com This is a pretty good one. You get points that you can redeem for cash or gift cards. I've cashed out several times just this past year. If you qualify, you get pretty good points.

Test Spin www.testspin.com Well if I ever qualified for these surveys, I think it would add up fast. But it seems either I don't get to it before they close the survey, or I don't qualify. Good thing is that you'll know right away if you qualify or not.

HCD Research. I don't have the address for this one. This one has been upgrading their site and rewards.

My Opinions my.opinionsquare.com Another one where I havn't qualified for much. But their is potential.

Zoom Panel www.zoompanel.com This one can be very good. You get alot of surveys. They don't pay cash, but again you can build up points for other things. I got the first two Harry Potter books with my first two rewards. The problem is that the surveys can be long. They also fill up fast, so do them as soon as you get them.

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